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who”d dive into the sea with me
与我在深海偎依  detail>>
let me dive right into
让我投身而入  detail>>
me ask who!!!
你问我,我问谁  detail>>
the guys who bet on me
投我一注的家伙  detail>>
the man who used to be me
超时空追缉令  detail>>
the spy who loved me
007铁金刚勇破海底城 007系列-海底城 007系列之海底城 007勇破海底城 007之爱我的间谍 007之铁金刚勇破海底城 007之勇破...  detail>>
who come to love me
谁来爱我  detail>>
who is to love me
谁来爱我  detail>>
who love me
谁来爱我  detail>>
who makes me wannasing
一颗心能让我此生欢歌  detail>>
who pushed me
是谁推我了  detail>>
who pushed me in
谁把我推进去的  detail>>
who share dreams with me
能和我共同分享梦想的好朋友  detail>>
who will love me
谁来爱我  detail>>
the man who can swallow the sea
能吞海的人51  detail>>
you ask me, me ask who
你问我,我去问谁?  detail>>
007 the spy who loved me
007之海底城  detail>>
i know who killed me
双面疑杀 我知道谁杀了我  detail>>